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Debbie Arnold grew up in Asheville, North Carolina surrounded by the Appalachian Mountains. The beauty of the lush natural landscape helped to inspire her life long passion for art and has greatly influenced her work. Debbie began her interest in art as a child and has drawn and painted her entire life. Arnold has developed a unique, organic style primarily as an acrylic painter but also in mediums such as collage, watercolor and inks. Throughout her career she has pioneered new techniques of layering color and textures to capture on canvas the vibrancy and fluidity of the mountains’ natural beauty.


Arnold has spent the last 15 years creating art through a spiritual exploration she calls “intuitive painting.” She starts a painting without plans or preconceived ideas, creates a randomly layered paint-filled background then allows images to come to life out of the void. About this process Arnold says, “I get out of the way and allow my subconscious mind to control the creative process. I am always surprised and amazed at results that far exceed the limitations of my conscious mind.”


Arnold studied art at Appalachian State University in Boone, NC with a major in Commercial Art and minor in Fine Art. Wanting to remain in the community of Boone, she began painting full time and selling throughout the East Coast.

She was involved in founding two local art galleries. One is still operation as a private gallery. Arnold has been included in numerous one and two person shows as well as juried and invitational exhibits. Her work is included nationally in public, private and corporate collections. She has had several articles published about her work. George Ellis recently devoted a chapter to her artistic process in the book “Symphony of Silence”.


Debbie still lives and works in the North Carolina Mountain community of Boone. In addition to painting she teaches several workshops a year in intuitive painting both for novice and professional artists. She has also done a series of educational videos that can be viewed on You Tube. Arnold is married with one daughter, a ceramic artist.

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